Very well made, exceptionally stitched, great material. Speedy delivery and thoughtfully packed.

— Todd

I loved everything about these PJs! Excellent quality. They feel ever so comfortable. Great to lounge around home on day off or weekends. I truly love them.

— Charles

Incredibly soft and the perfect gift

— Victoria

Fast delivery and a quality pajama set for my uncle! The personal note from the seller was an extra special touch! Serving children with disabilities is my passion and it is a blessing to know that someone shares that passion for adults with disabilities and elderly people who need adapted clothing to maintain their independence!

— Marie


Very helpful

I bought these because my hands my hands are stiff in the morning and I get frustrated trying to undo my buttons. I got the green flannel ones and like them because they are soft and have a generous cut.

— Tim M.

Awesome Quality

Great quality, extremely soft. Needed some modifications and seller was quick, easy, and friendly to communicate with. Thank you!

— Sarah M.

Fantastic Pj's

Oh my goodness, my niece loved her navy polka dot bamboo pj set! The quality was outstanding and the item description was perfect. Expectations EXCEEDED. I ordered 2 pairs, 1 for each of my nieces birthday's and they were received 3 - 4 days before their birthdays! Thank you so much!!!!

— W. Barret

True to Their Words

I gave the night shirt as a Christmas gift. She absolutely loves it! Night sweats are terrible in menopause and this product lived up to the promise of wicking away the moisture from night sweats.

— Cyndi